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Learning From Nature

Nature is the phenomena of physical world collective , including plants, animals, the landscape and others  features and product of earth. The word nature can have so many different definiton for every people. But the according the wikipedia definition of nature is one i said before.
From the moment we open our eyes for the frist time and thoroughout life we are lerning costantly. We are primaly taught and inspired by teachers in school, our parents, our friends, and others things. And some of us grow in another place from they have born.  In other country, other citiy, and many more. For laerning most of us go to school to learn about the world and some of us see the world with our own eyes by travelling when we get older. But we sometimes forget, the greatest teacher of us, Nature...
Nature is life, nature is underneath everything human have created, it is under the skycrapper  concrete floors, behind the makeup and underneath our clothes. It was more obvious that we were a part of nature in past during the ancient times when had nature as our kitchen, bedroom and play yard.
When we understand that we are living on a living organism and that we are all a part of nature, an interest for taking care of it and learn more appears and maybe some open their eyes for permaculture. Permaculture observes the natural ecosystem and working with it in agriculture and social design. The design is looking at plants and animals in all their functions and does not treat anything as a single product. In permaculture you observe the nature as it is and imitate that into a design.
When you understand and you enjoy when you in nature, you will get benefits there are :
1.      Improved short them memory
2.      Restored mental energy
3.      Stress relief
4.      Reduced inflammation
5.      Better vision
6.      Sharper thinking and creativity
And many more benefits who i cant explain one by one, if ypu want to learn from nature you can see some things in nature and you have to think the philoshopy of the things in the nature. I can give some example there are :
·         Plant
Palnt give us oxygent without hoping feedback from us
·         Ocean
Vast ocean cant exist without each water, like human cant exist without humanity
·         Pets
Pets teach us more about ove than any person or things
·         Sky
No matter what strom are passing, know it always transient because beyond the clouds
·         Stars

Stars bring beauty and light in the darkness


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