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Science Camp IV

Hello everybody! Now i want to tell my experience about event i joined in this school, who called "Science Camp IV" this event made by TRILOGI SMAN 3 Bandung. This event not like another camp. Even my body is not in healthy situation. But its not make me feeling more sick. But, i feel very happy because i can join this event.

In this event I'm is in chemistry division. I not have a talent in chemistry but i feel happy and i not disappointed for get this division. Because i think i can learn new things because chemistry not available in JHS.Science Camp held in Bougenville CampPark. Located at Puntang Mountain. This is a very cold place. But the place is designed modern camp place so i not scare for the wild animal or hardly way to walk.

In this event i learned about research, my group got the research topic about "strawberry for detect boraks in food". I learn so usefully things that can help many people.

Not just a lesson. I got new my friends. Not my only classmates. I have knowed my friens from anther class. Im got friends from senior and Science Camp makes student and teacher more closer and more known. 

The best part is after Science Camp i confirmed that im is members of TRILOGI big family. Im never mind will accept to this extracurricular because i think to join Trilogi need paper test who's hard. I can't describe me feeling because i nevermind this. I will always remember Science Camp.



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